Our ultimate goal is to systemically empower disadvantaged individuals, families, organizations/institutions and communities In America; through the collaborative effort of communities, faith and family-based agencies and non-faith agencies, professionals and paraprofessionals in the catchment area and beyond.
Dr. Alveda King, Founder of King for America, Inc., with a timely message.

WASHINGTON, APRIL 11, 2024/BPALiveWire –
Dr. Alveda King, renowned author, activist and evangelist is pleased to announce the upcoming Dr. Alveda King’s S.A.G.E. Impact Lunch 2024. Scheduled to take place on October 7, 2024, at The National Press Club in Washington, DC. S.A.G.E. Con is a ground breaking event supporting spiritually awakened and governance-empowered Christians. Stay tuned for more information.
Focused on the spiritual awakening sweeping the nation, the S.A.G.E. Impact Lunch 2024 will provide a platform for Christians from diverse political, regional, and racial backgrounds to gather and build networks to impact public discourse on issues ranging from economic empowerment to parental rights. [learn more]
Evangelist Alveda King – Let Freedom Ring
Founder Alveda King shares the vision for Beacon Academy in Atlanta, Georgia
Such an incredible time packing meals for “Mission of Hope” Haiti with my family and Friends! LIFE TRANSFORMATION FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN & CHILD IN HAITI
Walk On Water (Is That You?) – Alveda King
Alveda King Sings The Impossible Dream
Children’s Reading Time with Alveda King